The Vitality of the Triune God according to Juan de Ávila


  • Rogelio García Mateo Universidad Gregoriana


Reform, Religious Dialogue, Monotheism, Holy Trinity, Pastoral Work


The Work of St. Juan de Ávila (1499-1559) aims at his pastoral ministry. His theology, inspired mainly in the Bible, was intended to explain the great mysteries of Faith and to show its relevance for Christian life. For him, who had among his hearers a good number of Jews converted to Christ, it was of outmost importance to explain the mystery of Holy Trinity, and to prove that this Dogma does not contradict, but enriches the understanding of monotheism.




How to Cite

García Mateo, Rogelio. “The Vitality of the Triune God According to Juan De Ávila”. Estudios Eclesiásticos. Revista de investigación e información teológica y canónica 85, no. 332 (February 27, 2018): 57–72. Accessed April 1, 2025.