The Anagogic Imagination: The Art of Cinema and Theology


  • Pedro Rodríguez Panizo Universidad Pontificia Comillas


cinema, anthropology, philosophy, God, Human Being, arts


The arts of fiction represent a true laboratory of the human condition, where it is possible to find some «seeds of thinking», which are claiming to be elaborated by the theological reasoning, with the instrument of an anthropology of fiction. Also, the Encyclica Fides et Ratio 24, affirms that the arts and the philosophy express the desire and longing for God which inhabits the human heart. The cinema has inherited the precedent ways of plastic and narrative representation and brought them into a new shape. In the movies the deepest of the human being is shown to us: his hopes, fears, desires, aims, etc. ¿Would it be possible to us, not only to open ourselves to God through the cinema, but, indeed, to be brought to the ultimate dimension which conforms his mystery?


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Panizo, Pedro. “The Anagogic Imagination: The Art of Cinema and Theology”. Estudios Eclesiásticos. Revista de investigación e información teológica y canónica 84, no. 329 (March 14, 2018): 355–386. Accessed July 18, 2024.