«Miserable Iuno» in the work of Tertullian


  • Virginia Alfaro Bech Universidad de Málaga


marriage, abstention, virginity, incest, Virgil


In order to precisely treat the enriching influence of pagan-Roman culture in collision with the Christian polemic, it is imperative to uphold the transmission of Classic culture as executed by an apologist of such stature as Tertullian. By not underestimating the presence of pagan divinities in the mentality of Roman citizens, this article aims to denounce the role and behaviour of the most important goddess of the heavens. By presenting a different portrait than the one more commonly accepted of the goddess Juno, the goal here is none other than to censure diverse attitudes in contemporary pagan society as placed in contrast with Christian ideals. We will then be able to uphold an unfavourable theory that argues against all Classic mythology and pagan religion.




How to Cite

Alfaro Bech, Virginia. “«Miserable Iuno» in the Work of Tertullian”. Estudios Eclesiásticos. Revista de investigación e información teológica y canónica 83, no. 324 (April 25, 2018): 3–21. Accessed March 30, 2025. https://revistas.comillas.edu/index.php/estudioseclesiasticos/article/view/8683.