The «Son of Man» and the eschatology of the Q beatitudes: the case of Lk 6,22c


  • Pino Di Luccio Pontificio Instituto Bíblico de Jerusalén


Son of Man, Document Q, Beatitudes, Judgment, Eschatology


In recent research it has been demonstrated that the Aramaic equivalent of «Son of Man» is the translation of אדם ,אנוש ,איש ,אדם נפש ,ב and is thus a normal term for «man». On the contrary, the main occurrences in NT point to a specific, known, individual figure. Taking as a case study Lk 6,22c, this study suggests the hypothesis that when the expression «Son of Man» was introduced into Q beatitudes, it had a messianic meaning, and that it joins together two views of eschatology: an eschatology of the (close) final judgment in addition to the eschatology of the reward in heaven, which may have belonged to an earlier stage of the composition (Lk 6,22ab-23).


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How to Cite

Di Luccio, Pino. “The «Son of Man» and the Eschatology of the Q Beatitudes: The Case of Lk 6,22c”. Estudios Eclesiásticos. Revista de investigación e información teológica y canónica 82, no. 322 (May 22, 2018): 553–570. Accessed October 19, 2024.