Saint Augustine and Saint John. The Persuasion of the Symbolic Universe


  • Manuel Sánchez Tapia Centro Teológico San Agustín (Collado Villalba [Madrid]) y en el Estudio Teológico Agustiniano (Valladolid)


symbol, symbolic theology, Christ, exegesis, Church, Saint John and allegory


Saint Augustine wrote two works in which he comments on the symbolism present in some Johannine texts. These works are In Iohannis Evangelium Tractatus and also In Epistulam Iohannis ad Parthians. We are before two really beautiful writings. In them the Bishop of Hippo puts the exegesis (following the typical model of the School of Alexandria) at the service of the pastoral and the mystagogical proposal. This article offers the reader the commentary on 14 Johannine symbols analyzed by Saint Augustine. It is a complement to another article published by the same author in the magazine Estudios Eclesiásticos, during the year 2013. The article is divided into 5 sections. The 1st shows some quick traces of the biography of the bishop of Hippo. The 2nd provides some essential notes to locate the two Johannine works studied by him. The 3rd evidences the way in which the symbol is a resource of inestimable wealth for the exercise of symbolic theology. The 4th focuses on the analysis of 14 concrete symbols. And, finally, the 5th puts on the table the conclusions reached by the author of the investigation.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Tapia, Manuel. “Saint Augustine and Saint John. The Persuasion of the Symbolic Universe”. Estudios Eclesiásticos. Revista de investigación e información teológica y canónica 93, no. 366 (September 21, 2018): 657–698. Accessed July 17, 2024.