Theology and Secularization in Spain: some keys for a theological reading


  • Ángel Cordovilla Pérez Universidad Pontificia Comillas


theology, secularization, inner secularization, Second Vatican Council reception, newness of the Christianity


This article is a theological reflection on the Pastoral Instruction of the Conference of Spanish Bishops (Theology and Secularization in Spain). This Episcopal Instruction should be interpreted within a wide range and context in order to understand it in the theological realm. For this reason, the first question ought to address the nature and meaning of the Instruction (To Return to Apostolic life and confession of faith). Secondly, the Instruction is situated within three frameworks out of which I believe the document ought to be read: the relation between Secularization and Christianity; the concept inner secularization in the history of the Bishops’ Conference Documents; the reception of the Second Vatican Council. Finally, I offer a personal interpretation from a new category: In my opinion the most important question hidden within this Instruction regards the permanent character of renewal in Christianity. The present challenge for the Catholic Church and theology in Spain is how they can explain this newness in light of the current situation.


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How to Cite

Cordovilla Pérez, Ángel. “Theology and Secularization in Spain: Some Keys for a Theological Reading”. Estudios Eclesiásticos. Revista de investigación e información teológica y canónica 82, no. 320 (October 10, 2018): 3–37. Accessed September 27, 2024.