Christianity and the Universality of Salvation


  • Luis Ladaria Ferrer, SJ Facultad de Teología Universidad Gregoriana de Roma


Second Vatican Council, salvation, Christ, Holy Spirit, universal mediation


A fundamental affirmation of Second Vatican Council is the call of all humanity to salvation and union with Christ (LG 3). In postconciliar times, much has been written about the significance of this universal salvation, the possibility of condemnation, the doctrine of apocatastasis, the unique and universal mediation of Christ, and the possibility of the salvific activity of the Holy Spirit being wider than that of Christ. This article takes into consideration the Council documents, Scripture and Tradition, and explains and discusses some of these recenttheological developments.


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How to Cite

Ladaria Ferrer, SJ, Luis. “Christianity and the Universality of Salvation”. Estudios Eclesiásticos. Revista de investigación e información teológica y canónica 81, no. 317 (October 24, 2018): 353–381. Accessed October 19, 2024.