How Karl Rahner understood his membership of the Catholic Church
Karl Rahner, ecclesiology, Church, Vatican Council II, spiritualityAbstract
Focusing on some minor works, such as personal dialogues and interviews, this article focuses on how Karl Rahner understood his membership of the Catholic Church. Rahner perceived Vatican II as a point of departure, and postconciliar times as a new stage without the possibility of return. Rooted in a deep mystical experience, he felt the Church as something essential to the life of the believer, and showed himself as being totally faithful to its tradition, without ever renouncing «the freedom of God sons».Downloads
How to Cite
Madrigal Terrazas SJ, Santiago. “How Karl Rahner Understood His Membership of the Catholic Church”. Estudios Eclesiásticos. Revista de investigación e información teológica y canónica 80, no. 313 (November 13, 2018): 247–261. Accessed April 1, 2025.
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