Theology and Ecological Crisis

Controversial Topics and Future Perspectives of Ecotheology




ecotheology, ecological crisis, Laudato si’, science and theology


Religious traditions are relevant in addressing the current ecological crisis. Along with the concrete life of its communities and its institutional impact, Christianity has seen the progressive constitution of a new theological disciplinary area. In addition to presenting the current debate on the scope of the transformations that ecological challenges require of the classical theological contents, some perspectives for the future of ecotheology are offered. Moreover, three problematic knots are identified that require further development in relation to nature, humanity, and divine action. They point, in general terms, to think theologically about singularity and agency — and their consequences — beyond the human species, to deepen theologically the categories of limit and power, and to generate theological narratives that allow us to see reality and sustain a lucidly hopeful communitarian action that collaborates with the consummation of all that is created.


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Author Biography

Román Guridi, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Docente e investigador en la Facultad de Teología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, cursó bachillerato en filosofía y humanidades en la Universidad Alberto Hurtado (UAH), licenciado en Teología en la PUC (Chile), doble máster en filosofía y teología en el Centre Sèvres de París; ha sido director del Centro Universitario Ignaciano de la UAH; y doctorado en el STM, Boston College (EE. UU.).


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How to Cite

Guridi, Román. “Theology and Ecological Crisis: Controversial Topics and Future Perspectives of Ecotheology”. Estudios Eclesiásticos. Revista de investigación e información teológica y canónica 97, no. 381-382 (September 21, 2022): 355–394. Accessed October 19, 2024.