New models of teaching, from the declaration of Bologna to the era of COVID
Teacher perceptions
EHEA, COVID, university teaching, educational innovation, learning, UniversityAbstract
This paper is based on two scenarios that have had an impact on university teaching in the last 20 years: the process of European convergence in Higher Education and the appearance of the COVID-19 pandemic. These two events have changed teachers’ perceptions of how they have positively or negatively modified their teaching and the learning that students acquire in their degrees. The research process begins with the organization and development of a focus group in which 12 professors of different degrees from Comillas Pontifical University participated. After analysing what was reported by the teachers in the focus group, an online questionnaire was developed to collect information on relevant aspects that had merged in this group and that described the impact of these two events on participants’ teaching. The survey, validated by a group of experts, was answered by a sample of 149 professors from this University. The results collected are presented, both the focus group and the questionnaire, to outline what changes these events have attracted and how these teachers value them in terms of teaching and student learning.
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