Strengthening families and education in the context of COVID-19


  • Teresa Castro Cárdenas Entreculturas



education, citizenship, family, youth, teacher


This article arises from the need to listen and analyse the experience of families during confinement and their expectations with the arrival of the new normality. It is based on the testimony of families with school-age children from Spain, Guatemala and Bolivia and aims to bring those who read it closer to the social and educational reality that has been generated in homes, centres and educational institutions as a result of COVID-19.


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Author Biography

Teresa Castro Cárdenas, Entreculturas

Licenciada en Psicopedagogía, técnica en gestión de proyectos de cooperación internacional y ONGD. Ha trabajado como psicopedagoga familiar y con menores y ha coordinado proyectos de empoderamiento institucional y social. Actualmente ejerce como técnica en Entreculturas acompañando a jóvenes, profesionales y centros educativos en pro de la ciudadanía global.

Fortalecimiento familiar



How to Cite

Castro Cárdenas, T. . (2020). Strengthening families and education in the context of COVID-19. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (384), 57–63.