Nannerl, la hermana de Mozart


  • Carmen Pereira Domínguez
  • Laura Touriñán Morandeira



educational guide to cinema, music education, education of women in the 18th century, family, training, commitment, discipline, improvement


Anne-Marie Mozart (-Nannerl- is the affectionate family nickname), was the older sister of the famous composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. She also had prodigious musical gifts: she sang, played the violin and piano, and composed. However, the sociocultural conventions of the time, rooted in the mentality of the family patriarch, the conductor and violinist Leopold Mozart, led Nannerl to gradually fall into the shadow of his brother and to be forced to renounce her dream of a career dedicated to music, as this was not a suitable destination for a lady of her social position.

The family regularly toured the European courts showcasing the talents of their two prodigious children, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Anne-Marie Mozart, in search of patronage.

Nannerl will meet in Versailles the Dauphin of France and heir to King Louis XIV, who is captivated by her talent and beauty, and encourages her to pursue her dream.

This film also addresses in its background a gender problem existing in the History of Music and which is reflected in the invisibility of the woman-musician outside the domestic sphere.


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Author Biographies

Carmen Pereira Domínguez

Licenciada en Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación por la Universidad Comillas y Universidad Complutense de Madrid y Doctora en Pedagogía por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Investigación: Formación Permanente del Profesorado, Educación en Valores e Intervención Pedagógica. Colaboradora en Doctorado Interuniversitario: Miembro del Grupo de Investigación TEXE. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.

Laura Touriñán Morandeira

Es doctora en Historia de la Música por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Investigadora postdoctoral y docente en el Programa Universitario para Mayores (IV Ciclo) de las materias de música de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Su investigación está centrada en Historia de la Música Española decimonónica; Historia de la Música Clásica Gallega, Música-Educación-Pedagogía Mesoaxiológica; Antropología cultural de la música.

Miembro del Grupo de Investigación Organistrum (GI-2025): Estudios Históricos de Música en Galicia (siglos XI-XX), de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.

Directora del Área de Música de CEARTES-REDIPE (Educación, Arte y Cultura de la Red Iberoamericana de Pedagogía).

Nannerl, la hermana de Mozart



How to Cite

Pereira Domínguez, C. ., & Touriñán Morandeira, L. (2022). Nannerl, la hermana de Mozart. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (389), 54–57.


