3-A. Touched, but not sunk

Education of interiority


  • Dori Díaz Montejo C. C. Montpellier de Madrid




self-knowledge, autonomy, self-regulation, interiority, treasure


To speak of education for interiority is to speak of something necessary and urgent in education. Helping pupils to discover the great inner world that inhabits them will be a great gift. The entrance to this marvellous universe involves working on three fundamental areas of the person: self-knowledge, autonomy and self-regulation. These skills are the key that will open the doors to a fuller and more conscious life, a real treasure!


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Author Biography

Dori Díaz Montejo, C. C. Montpellier de Madrid

Dori Díaz es licenciada en Psicología educativa, diplomada en Magisterio, experta en convivencia en centros escolares, experta en coaching directivo. Durante más de 30 años se ha dedicado a la educación, lo que le ha dado la oportunidad de pasar por todas las etapas educativas como docente y ha sido directora de centro durante 7 años. En la actualidad, es la jefa del departamento de orientación del Colegio Montpellier.

3-A. Tocado, que no hundido. Educación de la interioridad



How to Cite

Díaz Montejo, D. (2023). 3-A. Touched, but not sunk: Education of interiority. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (395), 19–24. https://doi.org/10.14422/pym.i395.y2023.003