And now what? The new teachers faced with the training challenge


  • Jerónimo García Ugarte


Teacher- training, emocional competitions, technical competitions


Teacher-training is, undoubtedly, one of the big challenges which the new teachers have to face. Their teachers' vocation demands a commitment with a personal process of permanent training that covers the updating as technical as emotional competitions. A process of training that must be born in each of the teachers through a personal plan of training, but that needs from the unconditional support of the schools. If we love a better future for our pupils it is absolutely necessary that we train to be able to make progress. The present article is an invitation to teachers and schools to move forward together in the teacher-training.


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Author Biography

Jerónimo García Ugarte

Profesor de Filosofía y Psicología.  Master en Dirección de Centros Escolares. Master en Gestión y Dirección de Recursos Humanos. Formador de Maestros y Profesores (JGUformación). Colaborador en Escuelas de Padres. Tutor de la Universidad de Padres on line Superpadres. Coautor de los libros: “Ser y dirigir profesores en tiempos de cambio”, “profesores, familias y alumnos: siete pasos para un nuevo modelo de escuela”.



How to Cite

García Ugarte, J. (2012). And now what? The new teachers faced with the training challenge. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (345), 25–28. Retrieved from