

  • Mª José Cornejo Sosa
  • Carmen Pereira Domínguez




movies, education, Islam, adolescence, human rights of women and girls


In the movie, Green Bike (Haifaa Al-Mansour, Saudi Arabia-Germany-Netherlands, 2012, 98'), Wadjda, is the real protagonist, an eleven-year-old pre-teen who lives outside Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. She is an only child and her mother is afraid her husband will choose another wife if she does not give him a son, since divorce or polygamy is allowed.

Although she lives in a society with a conservative culture, traditions and Arab religion, she is cheerful, enterprising and audacious. He often likes to skirt social and educational barriers between what is authorized and what is forbidden. He is interested in music from America and his greatest desire is to have a bicycle to win a race to his friend Abdullah, but his mother does not allow it because this object is allowed for Islamic women.

In spite of everything, Wadjda will fight to get her desired green bike that every day contemplates in the store and for getting that she will roll on a Coran reading contest in her school.

In addition to dealing with film knowledge, this movie tackles topics related to Islam, family, women in Saudi Arabia and values such as friendship, equity, freedom, perseverance and tolerance.


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Author Biography

Carmen Pereira Domínguez

Licenciatura en Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación, Sección Pedagogía. Universidad Pontificia Comillas y Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Doctora en Pedagogía. Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Investigación sobre Formación Permanente del Profesorado,   Educación en Valores e Intervención Pedagógica (en especial el cine).  Profesora Titular de la Universidad de Vigo (Jubilada). Investigadora  en Doctorado Interuniversitario: http://doctoequidad.uvigo.es; es miembro del Grupo de Investigación TEXE. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

How to Cite

Cornejo Sosa, M. J., & Pereira Domínguez, C. (2017). Wadjda. Journal of Parents and Teachers, (369), 60–63. https://doi.org/10.14422/pym.i369.y2017.009