Mary Shelley, Interlacement of Enlightenment and Romanticism




science, feminism, Enlightenment, Romanticism


Frankenstein, the novel of Mary Shelley, is a main work for to find the links between two central periods of Modernity: Enlightenment and Romanticism. We can to do both an enlightened interpretation of the novel and a romantic interpretation. In this paper I will show how It´s possible interweave enlightened and romantic ideas. I will achieve my goal by analyzing the meaning of two central ideas. Both ideas make up Mary Shelley´s work. I refer to the idea of Science and Femininity.


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How to Cite

Herrera Guevara, A. . (2021). Mary Shelley, Interlacement of Enlightenment and Romanticism. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 76(292), 1451–1464.