About the Meaning of Anfægtelse in Kierkegaard
Anfægtelse, Anfechtung, Kierkegaard, Trial, Temptation, Tribulation, UnstranslatableAbstract
The term Anfægtelse has a decissive centrality in Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling, to the extent that it could be said that, if not the whole book, a good part of it rests upon its significance. It is, however, a very problematic word to translate (strictly speaking: an unstranslatable), which requires a deep consideration of its meaning. Aiming to respond to this requirement, the present paper consists of a revision of the meaning of Anfægtelse in the work of Kierkegaard, focusing particularly on Fear and Trembling. To this end, it will be firstly considered the connection between Anfægtelse and its German corresponding term, Anfechtung, which is also central in Luther; secondly, the different acceptations of the word in Kierkegaard’s writings will be covered, so that the whole scope of its meaning can be assessed; and thirdly, the specific meaning that the term gets in Fear and Trembling will be evaluated, which will also allow to explain its problematic translation.
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