Being in the world without being something of the world. Serenity and care in Heidegger


  • José Manuel Chillón Universidad de Valladolid



serenity, Heidegger, eschatology, pauline cristianity, technology


The serenity (Gelassenheit) seems to insist on the resigned attitude before a technified world whose unbroken march can only be stopped by a god who can still save us. In my opinion, this well-known reading obviates the active and committed dimension of serenity whose fertility emerges when it is understood linked to care as the essence of Dasein. This paper argues that this interpretation is possible whenever the Christian-Pauline root of Gelassenheit is discovered as the proper attitude to be in the world without being of the world.


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Author Biography

José Manuel Chillón, Universidad de Valladolid

Departamento de Filosofía


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How to Cite

Chillón, J. M. (2018). Being in the world without being something of the world. Serenity and care in Heidegger. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 74(281), 661–680.



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