Pentecostal and Catholic Healing Practices in Latin America
A Postliberal Case Study
postliberal theology, pentecostal healing, unction, ecumenical dialogue, Catholic-Pentecostal dialogue, George LindbeckAbstract
Postliberal theologians, such as George Lindbeck, see doctrine as the grammar of faith. Lindbeck applies this thought to ecumenical dialogue. If doctrine is the grammar of the language of faith, then ecumenical dialogue is the process of translating between two theological languages. While many authors have studied the postliberal thought of Lindbeck, few have examined its potential for ecumenical dialogue. To evaluate the potential of postliberal theology for ecumenical dialogue, this article examines postliberalism by means of studying healing practices among Pentecostal and Catholic communities in Latin America. These practices are described first according to the Christic, biblical narrative to which they belong. I then examine how doctrine controls these healing practices according to their mediation, their restriction, and their social dimension. Finally, the article evaluates the benefits and the disadvantages of a postliberal method for ecumenical dialogue.
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