Was Ignatius of Loyola a Mystic?
mystic, spiritual experience, charism, Society of Jesus, Ignatius of Loyola, tears, mystic language, apostolateAbstract
The author deals here with “mysticism” in the strict theological sense of the term. It shows the extraordinary mystical experience of St. Ignatius of Loyola, although much of the literature about his person does not usually consider this aspect so decisive in his life. It develops the chronological itinerary of the most important mystical experiences of the founder of the Society, analyzes its qualities and why the Ignatian mystique is described as angelic, in relation to the other types of mystic: cherubic and seraphic. It concludes with the spirituality of service or of contemplatives in action, to which Ignatian mysticism has given rise.
Monumenta Ignatiana. Series I ad IV, Madrid 1903-1918 (y Roma 1943-1945) = Mon. Ign.
Autobiografía, dictada al P.L. Gonçalves da Cámara entre 1553 y 1555: narra su vida desde la conversión hasta el a.1538 = Autob.
Ejercicios espirituales, escritos en varias etapas aprobados por Paulo III y publicados en Roma 1548 = Ejerc.
Constitutiones Societatis Iesu, = Const.
Diario spiritual del 2 febrero 1544 al 27 febrero 1545 = Diario.
S.Ignatii Epistolae et Instructiones, MHSI, 12 vol. = Epp.
J. Nadal, Commentarii de Instituto S.I. = Mon Nadal, vol.5, en MHSI.
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