About the Journal

Revista Iberoamericana de Bioética is a quarterly scientific journal published as an Open Access Journal by Universidad Pontificia Comillas along with eleven other Ibero-American university centers. The journal follows strict rules in its editorial process that guarantee the quality and relevance of the texts published in it.

Revista Iberoamericana de Bioética seeks, with academic rigor, to provide an information and training service to the world of Ibero-American bioethics. It also wants to be an effective tool for the comprehensive training of students in bioethics in various courses, seminars, masters and doctoral programs.

We intend to be a reference, and to see it recognized with the inclusion of the journal in the most prestigious indexes and databases; but above all we intend to be useful to the Ibero-American community of bioethics students and teachers, to health professionals and other specialists concerned with bioethics.

Current Issue

No. 25 (2024): Artificial Intelligence and Bioethics
Número 25 - RIB. Inteligencia artificia y bioética
Published: 2024-07-15


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